Loyalty Card
Thank you for being a customer of Coffee @ Hardware on the Square!
It is our goal to have the best coffee shop in the best hardware store in San Augustine County!
In August of 2017, we decided to open a coffee shop. We drew some plans and started cleaning out a spot in the hardware store to put a coffee shop. We decided to clean off the brick wall so that we could decorate. When Joe pulled down the first section of peg board, some stucco fell off. It revealed the word Delicious. We began to clear off the rest of the wall, showing red paint and the word Refreshing. A quick decision was made to remove the suspended ceiling and clear off the rest of the wall. One of the very early examples of an outdoor Coca-Cola sign was found inside the hardware store.

In 1890, there was a fire that destroyed the entire square in San Augustine. The building next to the hardware store was built back very quickly. The Thomas Cusack Sign Company was hired to paint a Coca-Cola sign on the side of the building. In 1920, the owners of the hardware store rebuilt the building we now occupy. The Coca-Cola sign was covered with stucco, and it remained covered until 2017. No one alive even remembered the sign being there.
Our opening day of the coffee shop was a great success! We opened the last Saturday of October 2017. Every year, the San Augustine County Chamber of Commerce holds the Sassafras Festival. We opened for business during the festival. Lines formed out the door!
We specialize in super fresh coffee. It is a special house blend formulated by the owner. The coffee is roasted weekly and shipped fresh to the coffee shop.
This year, we decided to make a dining area. We added to the coffee shop space, and now we have a great little area where you can come and sit to enjoy your great cup of coffee.
We also serve breakfast at the coffee shop. We have a great menu of breakfast sandwiches and cinnamon rolls. We even have a Keto option.
We offer curbside service. Call ahead and order your coffee and breakfast. We will deliver it to your car window with a smile. If you are in a rush on the way to work, just tell us! We will rush your order right out to you! If you are just having one of those mornings and you do not feel like getting out of your car, we completely understand, and curbside is our pleasure!
Take a moment to view our menu here on our website. Make your selection and give us a call. We will start working on your order right away.
Our Loyalty Card Program has been a great success over the years. Buy ten cups of coffee and get the next one free. People enjoy the free coffee, and we enjoy seeing people who are our repeat customers.
I want to take this opportunity to share with you the message that changed my life and the life of my family.
Christ does truly offer forgiveness to everyone everywhere. The first time I saw this message, I knew I had to put that sign in our coffee shop. It has been on the wall since day one! COFFEE – Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere.
When I was just four years old, I realized my need for Jesus. I had stolen a cupcake at school. Dad explained to me that stealing was a sin. I had been in Sunday School every week of my life, and I knew that sinners go to hell. I realized I was a sinner. Dad told me that Jesus had paid for that sin, and I needed to accept His gift as payment for my sin. I did that when I was four years old.
Do you know where you will spend eternity? Please take a moment to watch the video. Maybe it will help you or help you help someone who needs you today!
I would also love to invite you to our church! I love our church, and you will have to look long and hard to find a pastor who will be a better friend than Brother Danny Dodson. He has been our pastor for almost 35 years, and he has been my friend for all of that time. Visit our church website for more information, and you can listen to weekly sermons or get information on our livestream located at centralbccenter.com
If you would like, I can offer you a free coffee at either of our locations. Fill out the information, and you will be entitled to one free coffee! Just tell your barista that you filled out the form, and your free coffee will be served with a smile.
Enjoy your day!